Safety Champion Program
Our Safety Department is looking for qualified “Safety Champions” to be recognized for their efforts. Safety Champions are employees that promote safety through their actions. They not only adhere to safe practices, but they take active roles in encouraging, developing, and driving our safety culture in the workplace. Safety Champions can be identified by their appropriate use of PPE, their adherence to company safety policies, as well as federal, state, and local safety regulations. Safety Champions have been known to complete high quality daily pre-task plans. They hold weekly toolbox talks and can answer tough questions regarding OSHA safety standards. Safety Champions are capable of identifying safety concerns, bringing them to the attention of a supervisor with the appropriate control measure necessary to mitigate the safety hazard. If you find yourself being recognized by other companies for your safe work practices, you may find yourself being labeled a “Safety Champion.”
In recognition for you efforts, Safety Champions will be awarded company challenge coins that may be redeemed for prizes. For every three coins you collect, the prize value increases. Coins may be collected for up to 1 year and redeemed for higher value prizes. Coins must be redeemed in the fiscal year in which they were issued.
As an increased reward, quarterly games will be held at the office to allow Safety Champions who collect 3 or more coins to take a chance at winning higher value prizes. Games will require 3 coins per play but come with a risk. Winners who take the risk may walk away with higher value prizes. While those who fail to increase prize values will still be eligible for a single base value prize but will lose the value of two coins.